The membership of the forum is open to all the serving scientists of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The ICAR scientists who are interested in promoting professional excellence in research, education, and development and believe in fostering socio-cultural fraternity among ICAR scientists and whose admission would promote the interests of the forum are eligible for life membership on payment of prescribed fees.
Having its office at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, ARSSF is run by a democratically elected Central Executive Committee and is governed by its constitution and bylaws. Each of the constituent institutes of ICAR has an ARSSF Unit that is managed by a duly elected Executive Committee. Elections to the local unit as well as the central ARSSF are held once every three years.
Every member of the Forum will be expected:
(a) To strive to develop a feeling of fraternity and mutual trust among the community of ICAR scientists.
(b) To uphold the principles of the Forum in letter and spirit and to work for the welfare of ICAR scientists and for the advancement of science in the overall interest of humanity.
Classes of membership
(a) Honorary Patron
(b) Life Members
Qualifications of members
1) Honorary Patron: Director General, ICAR may be Honorary Patron of the Forum
2) Life Members: ICAR Scientists, who are interested in promoting professional excellence in research, education and development and believes in fostering socio-cultural fraternity among ICAR Scientists and whose admission would promote the interests of the Forum shall be eligible for Life Membership on payment of prescribed fees.
Rights and Priveleges of members
1. Honorary Patron: Patrons need not pay the registration fee or annual subscription.
2. Life Members: A life member, till he/she continues in the ICAR service, shall have all the rights and privileges.
A member shall have the rights
(a) To be present and to vote at all meetings of the Forum
(b) To receive a copy of such publications of the Forum as the Executive Committee may determine
(c) To hold any office of the Forum.
Fee Structure
1. The contribution/registration fee/annual subscription fee/life membership fee for various categories of membership shall be as follows:
Category of Membership |
Registration |
Subscription Fee |
Life member |
Rs. 10/- |
Lumpsum contribution of Rs. 1990/- |
2. The contribution/registration fee/annual subscription fee/life membership fee for various categories are subject to change and will be reviewed by the National Executive Council (NEC) from time to time.
3.The calendar year shall be reckoned for the purpose of annual subscription which shall be payable before December 31 of the previous year.
1. A member wanting to resign from the membership of the forum shall intimate his/her desire in writing to the General Secretary.
2. The Executive Committee may recommend to the General Body the termination of the membership of any member whose continuation, in its opinion, is detrimental to the interest and status of the Forum.